
How Does Laughing Gas Work?

Sedation dentistry plays a critical role in helping people restore their oral health. Not only does it make sure you are calm during your treatment, but it also helps those with severe anxiety or disabilities gain access to even basic care.

Still, sedation can make people anxious. This article discusses one of the most popular types of sedation used by dentists: laughing gas.

Find out how it works, if there are any side effects, and more below.

What Is Laughing Gas?

Laughing gas (also known as nitrous oxide) is a mild sedative that provides temporary relaxation effects.

The sedative is inhaled through a special mask placed on the patient’s face. Because the effects are temporary, this mask stays on throughout the entire treatment.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

When you inhale laughing gas, you start feeling calmer and maybe a little lightheaded. The gas actually affects how oxygen is delivered to your brain, which is why you experience an almost euphoric sensation.

However, this is a controlled process, and your brain won’t be fully deprived of oxygen.

The mask is placed over your nose, and you start inhaling the gas right away. The effects kick in and the dentist can perform the procedure. You will remain fully awake and cooperative during it.

When the treatment is done, your Cookeville sedation dentist will switch from the gas to oxygen, and you'll start to inhale air for a few minutes. This helps flush out any traces of the gas from your system, and the effects will completely wear off.

Most people can even drive themselves home after receiving laughing gas.

Is Laughing Gas Safe?

Laughing gas is generally considered safe and is even the recommended dental sedation for children!

But, like all things, it can have side effects. Some people can experience nausea, dizziness, or headaches when inhaling laughing gas. Fortunately, these reactions are uncommon and usually go away once the gas leaves your system. Laughing gas doesn’t have any long-term side effects.

What Happens If I Experience Laughing Gas Side-Effects?

If laughing gas causes discomfort, the dentist will immediately switch to oxygen to help you flush it out of your system. They will then likely recommend another type of dental sedation.

Patients are usually carefully screened before a dentist recommends a type of sedation to make sure they are getting the best option for their specific body and medical history.

If anything doesn’t go to plan, remember you have a trained professional who can provide assistance on the spot!

How Dogwood Family Dental Can Help

Dr. Taylor Enochs Engler is here to help you find out if laughing gas is right for you or what other type of sedative you might need to gain access to dental care.

Schedule a consultation at Dogwood Family Dental online or call us at (931) 528-6536 to find out more information about our sedation services.

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