
Can You Whiten Veneers?

Veneers are one of the most popular types of cosmetic dental procedures. They can effectively address a wide variety of issues, such as:

  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Irregularly sized teeth
  • Badly stained or discolored teeth
  • Minor cracks or chips, etc.

If you plan on getting veneers in Cookeville, you likely have a lot of questions about how to properly maintain them so that your new smile lasts a long time. Many patients also wonder if they can get their veneers whitened in case they stain or discolor.

Here’s the definitive answer.

Unfortunately, Veneers Don’t Respond to Tooth-Whitening

Veneers are usually made from porcelain, though more affordable versions can also be composite-based. In either case, you cannot whiten these materials with neither at-home nor professional teeth whitening kits.

Teeth whitening kits use bleaching agents such as peroxide to slowly break down the molecules that form the stains on the surface of the teeth. Through a few sessions, the smile can be whitened a few shades. But, these solutions only work on tooth enamel, and not on the materials used for any dental procedures such as veneers, crowns, or dental implants.

What Happens If You Try to Whiten Your Teeth after Getting Veneers?

Veneers aren’t the same as dental crowns. They only cover the front surface of the natural tooth.

If you try to use whitening strips or other similar treatments, the veneers will not change their appearance, but your natural teeth might. This can create an uneven smile as the veneers and natural teeth do not match anymore, leading to an even more noticeable cosmetic issue.

How Can You Whiten a Veneer Smile?

Your cosmetic dentist will recommend getting your teeth whitened before the veneers are bonded to your teeth so that your smile has the color you want.

If that doesn’t happen, or if your veneers get discolored or stained over time, you may have 2 options:

  • Professional dental cleanings - Sometimes, a professional dental cleaning can remove some stubborn stains from veneers and teeth, and lead to a slightly whiter smile;
  • Changing your veneers - If cleanings don’t work, then really the best option you have is to change your veneers and get your teeth professionally whitened. Once the whitening treatment is done and you have your final smile shade, you can get your new veneer custom made based on the tooth color.

Interested in Veneers? We Can Help!

Veneers may be a great way for you to reach your dream smile, but the best way to know for sure it’s the right solution for you is to see Dr. Taylor Enochs Engler for an appointment.

This way, you can access top-notch cosmetic dental care that will finally give you the smile you've always wanted.

To get started, you can request an appointment online, or call our office at (931) 528-6536 for a chat.

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