
Can You Get Dental Implants With Bone Loss?

Tooth loss is more common than you may think. The CDC estimates that about 7% of adults in America have lost at least one permanent tooth due to decay.

A missing tooth will affect not only the appearance and functionality of your mouth but your overall oral health. Waiting for too long to replace your missing teeth can come with severe consequences, such as:

  • Shifting teeth
  • Bone loss
  • Malocclusions
  • Sagging facial skin
  • Speech issues

But let's imagine that for whatever reasons you postponed having your tooth replaced. You decided now to get a dental implant in Cookeville, but found out you have bone loss. Can you still get an implant under these circumstances?

Let's find out!

Why You May Need a Bone Graft

An implant will need healthy bone and gum tissue to support it. If your jawbone has lost too much density, the implant won't have enough supportive mass and will eventually fall out.

What Is a Bone Graft?

You may need a bone graft if your bone loses both density and volume and it cannot support an implant anymore. A bone graft will allow the dentist to restore the density of the jawbone and prepare it for the implant.

Bone grafts can be made out of synthetic material or taken from your own body. You can also purchase them from tissue banks or use animal tissue to repair and rebuild your bone.

What to Expect from the Bone Graft Procedure

First, the dentist will perform a series of tests, such as x-ray scans to determine if you have lost jawbone density. Once the dentist has the results of the scans, they can start creating the treatment plan based on your specific needs.

Once the treatment plan has been determined, the dentist will insert the new bone tissue. A healing period of about two weeks to three months will follow during which the new bone tissue will integrate with your jawbone.

It's perfectly normal to experience symptoms like swelling and pain after a bone graft. Your dentist will prescribe pain medication to relieve the symptoms and they will start to diminish after a few days.

After the graft starts generating new bone mass and your jawbone is healthy enough, the dentist can proceed with inserting the actual implant.

Are You Looking to Fix Your Smile? Dogwood Family Dental Can Help?

Are you ready to replace your missing teeth and wondering if dental implants are right for you?

Dr. Taylor Enochs Engler at Dogwood Family Dental can help you find out the answer.

Whether it's implants, dental bridges, or dentures, we can help you determine the best treatment for your specific needs.

If you want to meet with Dr. Engler and talk about your oral health issues, you can get in touch with us by filling out the online contact form. You can also call us at (931) 528-6536 to schedule your appointment.

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